Document Index

Index storage

Using a smart contract as a document and data index repository provides high availability, fault tolerance, immutability.

User (patient)

  • user_id - unique identifier

  • user key pair - public key + private key, generated according to the Curve25519 elliptic curve-based cryptosystem

EHR (electronic health record)

Is a data structure described in the openEHR standard

  • ehr_id


Each patient can have only one EHR.

EHR index

Sets the relationship between ehr_id from a specified user_id

Document index

mapping (bytes32  => mapping(IDocs.Type => IDocs.DocumentMeta[])) ehrDocs;

Sets the relationship betweendoc_storage_id and ehr_id

DocumentMeta: {
    Status    uint8
    Id        []byte
    Version   []byte
    Timestamp uint32
    IsLast    bool
    Attrs     []AttributesAttribute

EHRsubject index

Sets the relationship between ehr_id and subject_id, subject_namespace

subjectKey = sha3(subject_id + subject_namespace)

subjectKey -> ehr_id

docAccess index

Allows to find an encrypted doc_key for the specified doc_storage_id and user_id

key = sha3(doc_storage_id+user_id)
value = user_pub_key.Encrypt(doc_key)

key -> value

dataSearch index

Allows to find the doc_storage_id of documents that contain data with the specified values

DataEntry: {
    groupId        [16]byte   // UUID
    value          []byte     // encrypted values
    docStorIdEncr  []byte     // user_pub_key.Encrypt(doc_storage_id)

pathKey = sha3(path)    // path Example: '/data/events[at0006]/data/items[at0004]/value/magnitude'
pathKey  -> DataEntry

dataAccess index

access_group - access group, within which encrypted data is searched

key = sha3(user_id+access_group_id)
value = user_pub_key.Encrypt(access_group_key)

key -> value

Creating EHR

  1. An EHR document is created as a json file

  2. Generation of a new doc_key

  3. The document is encrypted using the doc_key

  4. Document is saved in the document storage, doc_storage_id is returned

  5. An entry is added to the EHR Index to link the patient and their EHR:

  6. An entry is added to the Document Index to allow the document in the repository to be linked to the EHR

  7. An entry is added to the EHRsubject Index to search for ehr_id by its subject

  8. An entry is added to the AccessStore index to find the encrypted doc_key from the document

Getting EHR by ehr_id

  1. Get ehr_id using user_id in EHR Index

  2. Get doc_storage_id of a document with DocType = EHR

  3. Get the encrypted doc_key from the AccessStore index

  4. Decrypt doc_key with user's priv_key

  5. Download document with doc_storage_id from storage

  6. Decrypt the document using the decrypted doc_key in step 5


  1. The document is created as a json file

  2. The document is encrypted with the unique key doc_key

  3. The document is saved in the document storage, doc_storage_id is returned

  4. An entry is added to the document index, allowing you to link the document in the repository with the EHR

  5. Path construction for all field values within the document

  6. Determining the access_group for searching the values in the dataSearch index

  7. Records containing paths, values encrypted with access_group_key and encrypted doc_storage_id to associate records with documents in the repository and access_group_id are added to the dataSearch Index for all values

Search for documents using queries

  1. Paths to the values of interest and conditions are generated from the query

  2. Search for records in dataSearch index, which satisfy the specified conditions, the encrypted doc_storage_id of documents containing these values is returned, or the encrypted values

  3. Search for an access_group_key in the dataAccess index

  4. Decrypting access_group_key with user_priv_key

  5. Decrypting field values with access_group_key

  6. Decrypting doc_storage_id with user_priv_key

  7. Search for doc_keys encrypted documents in the docAccess index by doc_storage_id

  8. Decrypting doc_keys

  9. Downloading found documents from the storage

  10. Documents are decrypted using doc_keys

Last updated